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Time to dance!

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. – George Smith Patton

A few months ago I wrote a post about a very depressing email I received but yesterday I am proud to announce an email of an entirely different nature arrived in my inbox!

Dear Tamzin Nel,

Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you that you passed the December 2012 Level I CFA exam. 37% of candidates passed the December 2012 Level I CFA exam.

You are one step closer to achieving your goal of earning the globally respected CFA charter…

YAY! The hundreds of hours I spent with only my calculator and textbooks for company finally paid off and I am so ready to register and get going with Level II.

Thank you to my ma, boyfriend, sis, family and friends for all the hugs, tea, sweets and chocolates; if this continues I will be obese by the time I earn my Charter 😉

The encouragement and support when I was convinced I did not have a brain cell left in my head is something I appreciate so much and I definitely would not have made it without all of you!

Now, it is time to dance! I will get serious again on the first of Feb.


One thought on “Time to dance!

  1. The journey continue on the fuel of success x

    Posted by Elvira Nel | January 23, 2013, 5:48 PM

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